Interesting how things have played out. Browsers are enthusiastic about PWAs, and developers are curious. I think they are also confused because 99% honestly do not know how to develop a site with real best practices because they don’t understand the browser/critical rendering path etc.
I think the marketing crowd is curious too, but they see it as a technical play and don’t quite understand the brand benefits.
The carrots are there for stackholders, but they don’t really understand hwo to implement things like RAIL & PRPL.
Developers are lost because they have trained themselves to lean so heavily on fast food frameworks they don’t know what is actually happening. This leaves them paralyzed in confusion on how to make a site really load fast, etc.
To me it just made sense from the moment I first saw a service worker. But that leaves a lot of work for us to earn the developer and stakeholder’s confidence. Maybe that is where we have fallen short.
Microsoft is crawling the web and looking for HTTPS and manifest to add PWAs to the MSFT store!
Chrome is creating WebAPKs!
Apple is implementing service workers and web manifest support.
Its exciting for sure.